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If you have a modern browser, you can see the webfont of this
typeface in action!
Manipulate the slider to set the text size, and use the dropdown menu to select a weight. You can also click on the text and write your own! If your browser does not support this technology, you can still visit the website for more downloadable samples of this typeface.
For more and up to date information, samples, specimen and more, visit Moritz’ digital type foundry and font website,
For another take on the classic German Grotesk, you can also find more information about the Kambri typeface, Moritz’ own take on Helvetica’s ancestor, Akzidenz Grotesk.
Schriftco also has more information about webfonts, theory, licensing information and a way to get in touch with Moritz about any of the typefaces on this website.